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A Muslim converts journey to conversion and life since.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Ramadan 2025

Salam alykum,

 I will be adding two calendars to the 2025 list. One of them is edited from a blog that posts nice calendars, another is my usual fun/kid like calendar. 

I use my calendars for multiple things.

For women, I use my calendar to track my period, as tracking apps can be unstable, or you may delete the app, especially if you live in the USA and live in a red state. I mark the days I fast with an F, period days with a ᐧ, and when I make up the fasts, I put an x with the date I made up the fast so I do not have to remember. This makes things much easier for me at least. If you are worried about it getting wet, you could always use a sheet protector. (this link is unpaid) Store it where you will remember. I have a specific place for mine above my journaling supplies. 

For all, meal planning iftar. I usually write what I will be making for iftar, or if eating from outside. If the first day falls on a Friday or Saturday, usually it's celebrated by eating halal outside. Find what works for you.

Iftar: this year, I plan on doing pretty plain iftars (due to some health things I am addressing).  (alhamdullilah, I know that I am "lucky" as to where I was born, and that I have access to fresh foods, electricity, and clean drinking water)  This is the menu this year. Salad, potato's that are first cooked in an instant pot then done in an air fryer (they are soft on the inside and crunch on the outside, so good!), and rice with meat and veggies, or chicken. I will alternate between the potato's and rice, as well as chicken and meat. Meat is usually on the weekends. I also drink a gallon of water split between suhoor and iftar.

I know this is just a small reminder of the upcoming holy month of Ramadan, but I hope in shaa'Allah it is useful for you and brings you some ease. 


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Ramadan calendar 2023

 Salam alykum, 

I will be posting my free calendar, I hope it helps you for the month of Ramadan.

I use two of them, one for meal planning, and the other to track my fasts (and later when I make them up). Part two of this is because I am forgetful, and having an actual piece of paper to write F (for fasting) or P (for period/menses/menstruation/beginning of cycle, whatever you want to call it). Then I can go back in when I make up my fasts, and put the date I made it up and know that I only owe a certain amount of days.
I know a lot of women use period trackers, I do as well (fitr women!! one of the best apps out there!), but I like having the extra security (thanks anxiety!). 

Love and duaa's,



 Salam alykum,

Ramadan is almost here in shaa'Allah! May Allah allow us to make it to this blessed month, ameen.

Just wanted to share one of my favorite pic quotes I found on instagram awhile back. 

I will post again after this, for the Ramadan calendar that I am using as well! in shaa'Allah

Love and duaa,

Monday, March 6, 2023

Ramadan and the little blessings

Salam alykum, I never thought about like this before. I hope it helps 💚 https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cpc8aa4D0lq/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Love and duaa's,

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Salam alykum 11.1.22

 Salam alykum,

Been a bit quiet. I'm remodeling here.

See a new post in the near future in shaa'Allah 

Love and duaa's,

K 💚 

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Ramadan Lanterns!

 Salam alykum,

Found these digging through the internet, and wanted to share them with y'all, as a craft for yourself to do, or for your kids, and even as a family activity before or during Ramadan! It is always good to get kids excited, especially in the "west". 

I hope you like it. I looked for the original on their website, but was able to find a full size via the net.. 
If, for any reason you have difficulty with it, please leave a comment!

I hope your Ramadan prep is going well, and that you are safe and healthy! 
Love and peace,


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Ramadan 2018 calendar

Salam alykum all,

I have made a Ramadan 2018 calendar.

You can print this off on a colored paper you like. I use mine to meal plan and track the days I have fasted.

May Allah make this Ramadan most beneficial to you and may he accept the entire Ummah's fasts and duaa, in shaa'Allah. ameen

If you would like a pdf or word version, please message me via Facebook.


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